Dear All NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
Hello Everyone!
1. 重要通知
十一月十三日(第十周)主校放假一周。所有课程进度依次延后。原本安排放假的十二月十八日(第十三周),改为正常上课。调课的原因是:NHS Annual SKI SWAP EVENT。因为这是一个上万人参加的校区/社区活动,势必在交通、停车等诸多方面给我校家长、教师及学生带来不便,本着与人方便,与己方便的原则,特作此调整,请大家配合,并予以谅解。
Important Notification
Due to Newport High School’s annual event of Ski Swap on November 13th, NWCS Admin would like to adjust our class schedules as follows: No school on the 13th of November. Please mark your calendar and adjust it accordingly. Originally we have no class on December 18th, 2010, now we utilize that day to make up the day of 11/13/2010 we missed. As you may know that NHS Ski Swap is the largest annual event of Bellevue School District, with estimated more than 10,000 people attending, traffic congestion and parking in the campus will be of a big issue. Therefore, we NWCS Admin adjust it for the sake of benefits of both. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Nov. 6th
9th week
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No School
NHS Ski Swap
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No School
Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 4th
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No School
Winter Break
2. 期中考试
Mid-term exam is under way. I sincerely urge all parents to spend a lot more extra time and effort to help your kids to review what they have learned in the classroom, and get them well prepared for it, with which I am sure that every one of them will get a satisfactory result.
3. 数学才艺各科
All scheduled arrangements for Math Programs, Arts, Painting & Calligraphy Competition, etc. will NOT be affected by the above adjustment. For details, please refer to our previous briefings respectively.
4. 温馨提醒
Winter is coming, with more rainy weather and lower temperature. Please prepare for your kids with proper timely clothes to prevent them from catching cold. Thanks.
5. 家庭教育系列讲座
Family Education seminar Series will be continued in the same classroom on the same time. Welcome to join us again.
6. 西雅图分校的课程不受主校调整的影响。
Scheduled classes at Seattle Branch will NOT affected by the adjustment of the Main campus.
So long,
The Principal
On behalf of NWCS Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul