Thursday, September 26, 2013

NWCS 3rd Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester‏

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;

1. 首先感谢所有家长,老师, 家长会义工和管理团队的辛苦工作和努力配合, 使得我们新学期的开学工作顺利有序地进行。
First we want to thank all the parents, teachers, PTA volunteers and the admin team for their hard work and cooperation. It is only with their generous help that we could have such a smooth and orderly opening for our new semester.

2. 本周六起将不再有转班手续(校长特别批准的除外)。从现在起到第四周退课的家长只能得到50%退款
Please NOTE:  There will be NO class switching starting this coming Saturday except by the principal’s approval. Only 50% refund will be available during the 3rd & 4th weeks if you want to withdraw from a class.
3.Important! Survey Form from NWCS Math Program - re: 2013 AMC 8 / NWCS
This survey form is only valid to NWCS registered students who are eager to participate AMC 8, but their weekday schools will not offer such opportunity this year (2013).

4. Making It a Family Learning Event at NWCS!
For parents who are new to the Chinese language: every week when you bring your children to NWCS to study Chinese, would you like

to understand what your children are studying;

to enjoy their achievements in their new language study;

to help them with the homework and assignments;  

to develop your own skills in Chinese for personal communications, travel, or business interactions?  

If you say "YES" to any of the above questions, we have the answers for you--please join the “Adult Chinese classes” at NWCS!  We have 2 levels of Adult Chinese classes: primary level and intermediate level.  The primary level class is for beginners, and the intermediate level is for people with some knowledge of Chinese language.  The classes are designed for studying the Chinese language in an interactive way and applying it to the real life situations. Please inquire the detail class information at the NWCS Admin desk during school hours.

5. 减免学费申请截止日期为本周六(九月二十八日)请申请人将申请材料递交到Bellevue (or Seattle branch) 行政办公桌。详情请见我校网站
Financial aid application deadline will be this Saturday 09/28/2013 for this semester. Please drop off your application at Bellevue (or Seattle branch) admin desk.  For related documents please see

6. 再次提醒:请各位家长、老师务必督促班上学生保持教室的整洁干净,不能将饮料、食物带入教室;千万千万不要乱动教室内的设施,尤其是NHS老师的办公桌。挪动过的东西包括桌椅一定要在离开前恢复到原来位置,下午下课的班级一定要把所有椅子摆放到桌上以方便打扫。
In the past weekend we still received one complaint (Room 2107) from NHS about not returning things in the classroom to their original condition. So we want to plead with all the teachers and parents again: please remind your students not to move anything in the classroom, especially the things on the teachers’ desk. Stay away from the desk if possible. No food and drinks in the classroom. If you have to move the tables (chairs), please return them to their original places when the class is over. To those whose class ends in the afternoon, please put the chairs on the table before you leave or when school is over.

7. 西雅图学区拟招聘一位下午班中文老师, 有意者请与黄敏球联系 Seattle school district is hiring a Chinese teacher for their after school program. Please contact Min Huang at for more information

Thank you all!

NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

NWCS 2nd Weekly Briefing, 2013-2014 Fall Semester


Dear NWCS Fellow Members;

Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;

1. 谨此中秋佳节之际,衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康。中秋节快乐!

HAPPY CHINESE MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL TO YOU ALL! In 2013, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be on September 19. The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节), also called the Chinese Moon Festival, is one of the most important annual festivals for the Chinese people. Perhaps most importantly, it is a day for family reunion. This lively festival takes place on the 15th day of the 8th Chinese lunar month every year, so its exact date by the Western calendar is different every year. Full of joy and happiness, friends and loved ones gather to celebrate a time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest of the whole year, and everyone gathers together to delight in eating moon cakes and appreciating the spectacular beauty of the full moon.

2. 需要退班或转班的家长,请您务必在本周六前来办理,因为从下周起将不再有转班手续和全额退款

Online registration has been closed, the admin desk will help those parents who want to withdraw or switch classes.  Please NOTE: A 100% refund will only be available during the first two weeks. And there will be NO class switching after the first two weeks except by the principal’s approval.

3.仍未交纳学费的家长,也请您务必在本周完成, 否则从第四周开始将累计附加每周五美元的延迟费。

Tuition fee is due on the first day of school. If you have NOT paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday (09/21/2013) at the Admin Desk during school hours. Starting from the 4th week, an additional $5.00/week late-fee will be charged to your account.

4. 老调重重弹:请各位家长、老师务必督促班上学生保持教室的整洁干净,不能将饮料、食物带入教室;千万千万不要乱动教室内的设施,尤其是NHS老师的办公桌。挪动过的桌椅一定要在离开前恢复到原来位置,下午下课的班级一定要把所有椅子摆放到桌上以方便打扫。

In the past weekend we received Four Complaints Room 2113, 1104, 1111, 2112from NHS about our possibly violating REGULATIONS FOR NHS CLASSROOM MAINTENANCE & MANAGEMENT. Here we want to plead with all the teachers and parents again: please remind your students not to touch anything in the classroom out of curiosity, especially the things on the teachers’ desk. Stay away from the desk if possible. No food and drinks in the classroom. If you have to move the tables (Chairs), please return them to their original places. To those whose class ends in the afternoon, please put the chairs on the table before you leave or when school is over.

5. 减免学费申请仍然依照去年的办法实施。详情请见我校网站 需要提醒的是:学费减免范围仅限于中文课程;所有申请人必须先如数交纳学费。申请批准后,学校再由专项经费中退还其学费。申请截止日期为九月二十八日。

Northwest Chinese School Offers Reduced/Waived Tuition for Chinese Language Classes for Students from Low Income Families. See related documents for details.

Restrictions may apply. NWCS BOARD & ADMIN reserve the rights to explain. All applicants have to pay full tuition before being approved and receiving refund from our special account. Application deadline will be 09/28/2013 for this Fall semester.

6.  少儿舞蹈班Advanced Children Dancing 欢迎热爱舞蹈,有一定芭蕾舞和中国舞基础的适龄儿童(11- 13岁)加入。该班曾多次参加校内外各种文艺演出,受到观众的肯定和好评。少儿舞蹈“赵钱孙李”为其代表作品,曾数次在文艺比赛中获奖。名额有限,有兴趣的学生请到行政办公桌预约考核时间。

Advanced Children Dancing class is now accepting new members (between 11 and 13 years old and have some skills of Ballet and Chinese dance).  Those who are interested could make an appointment for an audition at the ADMIN DESK.

7. 为满足广大家长的要求,学校拟在西雅图分校增开一个奥数班。请大家推荐或自荐一名合格的数学老师,简历请寄

We are opening a math Olympic class in Seattle branch, so we need to hire a qualified Math teacher for this new class in the Seattle Branch. If you are interested in applying for this teaching position, please contact the school admin with your resume at . We will contact you immediately if we think you are the perfect match.

8. 中秋佳节好去处Tacoma Moon Festival (Saturday, September 21, 2013, 12:00 to 8:00 PM) Chinese Reconciliation Park

On Saturday, September 21 from noon to 8 pm, Tacoma will celebrate culture and community at the 2nd annual Tacoma Moon Festival, held at the Chinese Reconciliation Park on the Ruston waterfront.



Thank you all!


NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

NWCS 1st Weekly Email Briefings, Fall Semester 2013-2014‏

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
Welcome back to school! Our first day of the 2013- 2014 fall semester will be this coming Saturday (09/14).
After 09/05, 09/06 and 09/07 “Open House”, the new enrollment has hit a new historical high.
Currently, the total enrollment has exceeded over one thousands five hundred in our database. Online registration will be closed on 09/14 middle night, if you have NOT registered for classes yet, please do it as soon as possible.
1、 如果您已经完成了网上注册缴费,这学期又不需要领取新的教科书,请参阅教室安排表,周六直接进教室上课。如果这学期需要领取新的教科书,请务必打印出收据,上课前到“领书处”领取教科书。
If you have finished online registration and do not need to purchase new textbooks, please check the classroom assignment  , and then go to your classroom directly this Saturday. If you need new textbooks, please PRINT OUT the receipt to pick up the textbook before your class.
2、 如果您完成了网上注册但还没有付费,请打印出收据并和支票订在一起,周六上课前交到行政办公桌。需要领取新的教科书,请拿到领书证后到“领书处”领取教科书。
If you have registered online but not paid yet, please drop off the receipt with the payment to admin desk; then use the book pick up slip to get the new textbook you need.
3、 如果您没有时间完成网上注册,请提前半小时到学校行政办公桌报名缴费。需要领取新的教科书,请拿到领书证后到“领书处”领取教科书。
If you don’t have the chance to register online, please come to school half an hour early to register the classes at the admin desk. Afterwards use the book pick up slip to get the new textbooks you need.
4、 有特殊要求的家长,如试听新课、调整已注册的课程等,请到行政办公桌办理。
We will help if you have any special needs, such as new class trial, class adjustment etc at admin desk.
On the first school day, many math classes have planned placement tests. Please guide your children to the right classrooms and follow class instructions. Some of these classes will evaluate the placement test results to make a class level recommendation to students. Students should expect to receive invitation emails from the teacher after this Saturday's test.
Based on high demand, the school will add one more “Introduction of Computer Programming “class this semester. Please refer to the attachment for detail course description.
五、今年西雅图分校将新开“科学常识”课程,上课时间为230PM – 320PM。课程设计活泼生动,欢迎适龄学子踊跃报名。详细介绍请参阅附件。
Seattle branch will open a new course: “General Science” this semester. For detailed information, please refer to the attachment.
Good news from Seattle branch: starting this semester, we will provide FREE homework tutoring service every Saturday. For detailed information, please contact Seattle site manager Min Huang at 206-228-1013.
请家长帮助我们老师提醒每位同学,自觉遵守学校教室管理条例。爱护 教室清洁,不能将饮料、食物带入教室;不能擅自搬动桌椅(如实在需要搬动,请务必在离开前搬回原有位置);不能擅动Newport High School老师的任何私人物品。
Please review the “Rules & Regulations for Classroom Maintenance & Management” very carefully, and remind our students: no food and drink in the classroom; no running, no pushing, and no disturbing the classroom settings, which is very, very important for us in maintaining a good relationship with NHS.
Thanks all!
NWCS Admin Team