Sunday, March 28, 2010






3。2010 我校春节联欢晚会总结;等等共七大项目的内容。






首先,我要向在座的每一位老师,说声谢谢,谢谢你们的大力支持,才使得我由不知,到有所知,渐渐进入角色,渐渐地找到了感觉,知道了自己是干什么的,该如何做,怎么做会做得更好。实事求是地说,我的确从大家身上学到了许多,可谓受益匪浅,更应验了我爱给校外的朋友们讲的那句话,西北中文学校人才济济,而主力就是我们全体教职员工,包括因病因工请假的几位老师。正是因为大家的精诚团结,密切配合,才使我们上一学期比较好地完成了各项教学任务,对此,校董事会, 家长都有比较明确的肯定。学生们也感恩于老师们的兢兢业业,受惠于我们的团队精神,学习到了应有的知识,在求知中快乐成长。


2。大家调整和适应了新的教学环境,比如newport high school教室的使用规则。虽不尽善尽美,一个学期仅有个把问题,已实数不易。重要的是,我们从中得到了教训,为日后的工作积累了经验。

3。和newport high school校方管理人员有了一定的默契,我们的行为方式的到了他们的认可和肯定。这么大的学校,这么多的学生和家长,没有你们的督导,是难以想象的。

4。 顺利地完成了各项才艺,比赛,大型的数学竞赛,和春晚演出,比较好地凸现了我们西北中文学校特有的校园文化-----大而全,比较有学术气氛。一般来说, 大而全就难做的精细和到位,而在这一点上我们也基本做到了,看上去乱哄哄的,尤其是课间,其实是闹中有静,有条不紊。综合各种因素,我们上学期的学生总数 首次超过1500人次,主校超过1400人次,来自762个家庭,有较好的财务盈余。这要归功于诸位。

5。 说到校园文化,我个人主张,学校虽然也是社会的一个组成部分,但它应是一个相对于社会来说比较独立,单纯,安静的部分,少有是非的净土,这样才有利于教学。这一点上,大家做得很好,省了我的很多心思和精力,我为此再次谢谢大家,毕竟,我们德高一筹。我之所以提出这个问题,因为,我不时会收到匿名的e-mail,尽管有的观点言之有理,但我讨厌这种方式。健康的校园文化应该是以教学学术为重,相互学习,相互尊重,换位思考,真有问题,根据其轻重缓急,我们共同找出解决之道,对此,我不敢说有特长,但有信心和耐心。







4。有针对性地为学生自编与活页文选相类似的读物, 包括数学方面的读物。希望大家讲具体的proposal提交给admin,我们会大力支持,尤其是财力上的支持。戴荣老师已先行一步,特此表扬。



Friday, March 26, 2010

NWCS 6th weekly briefings

Dear NWCS fellow members,
Dear all teachers,
This weekly briefing might not be brief since we have lots of issues to address. Thank you very much for your patience. Here are the key points:
1. The enrollment for NWCS 2010 summer program is open.

This is the fourteenth year of NWCS summer program. The summer program will again features unique programs, strong management & highly qualified teachers with years of teaching experience at NWCS who have been taught children with enthusiasm and love. Students will take Chinese, Math, Art, Science, Martial Art and English reading, etc. during the summer. We also provide a fun and safe playground for outdoor activities. Every Friday we will offer various field trips for every camper. For detailed information, please refer to the attached flyer.

2. Please fill out the national census documents as accurately as possibly, and send it out by mail in time, thanks;

3. 语文能力的提高更多的来自于课外阅读(extensive reading),而鼓励课外阅读的最佳方式是让阅读带来乐趣,从而提高我们的中文教学水平。我们殷切期望各位家长的参与,家长教师里应外合,定会起到潜 移默化推动作用。家长参与的第一步就是捐书,捐赠我们学生需要的书籍,尤其是经典。有意者,please klick the following link,

4. 无论您是学工的,学文的,还是学理的,无论您是从秀水东街走来,还是从淮海中路走来,都经历过十年寒窗,也都有饱读经典的经历。为了孩子们的教育,我们才 在此时此地不期而遇,对此话题我想你们一定也会深感同受。我们期望得到全体家长的支持,因为我们要求孩子们阅读,我们家长首先要以身作则,为他们树立效仿 的榜样。

我 这里所说的经典阅读是指配合我们中文教学,通过有计划地指导,要求学生课外阅读那些大家公认的,可以称之为经典的作品来对学生进行学科素养、文化品位以及 人文精神的塑造和提升的教育过程。这一过程对于学生的个体成长有着非常重要的作用。但经典阅读和快乐阅读在西北中文学校的特定条件下需要大家的共同参与, 和admin不懈的推动。先募捐,之后根据有无再列书单报请BOARD, PTA购买一部分。

所 谓经典,就是指那些经过历史选择出来的“最有价值的书”,具有典范性、权威性的特征。经典通过个人独特的世界观和不可重复的创造,凸显出丰厚的文化积淀和 人性内涵,提出一些人类精神生活的根本性问题。它们与特定历史时期鲜活的时代感以及当下意识交融在一起,富有原创性和持久的震撼力,从而形成重要的思想文 化传统。

人类最美好的思想往往包蕴在经典名著中。钱理群教授说过,人类精神文明的成果就是通过各类学科(不只是文学,还有其他人文科学、 社会科学、自然科学)的名著(经典)的阅读而代代相传的,在这个意义上,受教育的基本途径就是读名著(经典)。阅读经典名著,学生可以不断提升对作品的审 美鉴赏能力,从中汲取人文精神,树立正确的价值观念。同时,经典是阐释者与被阐释者文本之间互动的结果。从价值定位看,经典必须成为民族语言和思想的象征 符号。如莎士比亚之于英国和英国文学,普希金之于俄罗斯与俄罗斯文学,鲁迅之于中国和中国文学,他们的经典都远远超越了个人意义, 上升成为一个民族,甚至是全人类的共同经典。

5. 有针对性地为学生自编与活页文选相类似的读物, 包括数学方面的读物。有意者,请与校长联系。

6. 无巧不成书,在部分家长的积极努力下,我校将成立读书会,以家长教师参与为主,定期组织活动,与我们学生的快乐读书活动不谋而合。详见attached (reading-club)。欢迎加入。地点为:Newport High School, Classroom # 1112. (Not Newport Beach High School, Not #2111, as stated on the flyer. 特此更正)

Thank you very much for your patience.

So long,

Zhang Tao

Principal of NWCS
On behalf of Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart & Soul

Sunday, March 21, 2010




前苏联伟大的教育家苏霍姆林斯基用了很大的篇幅叮嘱教师们要多读书,主要提到这样几类书籍,结合自己的感受,相信这些书对我们老师有启示。一读经典名著,形 成自己的独到的价值观、世界观,只有老师胸怀天下,才能培养孩子超人的气魄和胆识,从而放眼未来;二读教育教学实践的理论书和学科的专业书,充实知识, “活到老,学到老”,用一辈子的时间准备专业课程,因为知识翻新的步伐不断加快,老师所学的知识很快就过时,需要随时读书,更新知识,才能跟上发展的脚 步;三读英雄人物传记,讲述成功人物背后的故事书,做学生的生活导师和道德引路人;四读心理学方面的书,了解学生的心灵,更有效的进行思想辅导;五读文艺 书,陶冶性情,提升自我的境界,架起沟通师生心灵的桥梁。

教育的本质决定了老师是职业的读书人,所以,请读书吧,读有所思,在读中提高,让可敬的老师陪着活泼可爱的孩子在书香校园里共享美丽人生。 速读记忆成就卓越人生

Friday, March 19, 2010



2010 Spring Semester 1st weekly briefings

Dear all NWCS members,
Dear all Parents & Teachers;


1. Online Registration
Our online registration has been closed. For those who have not yet registered their kids, please come to Admin Desk on Saturday, Feb 13th. Please be prepared that it might to take longer time for the registration and payment.

2. Chinese Culture Contest (CCC)
(CCC) for NWCS students is set on March 6th. The class teachers will instruct their students as soon as NWCS receives instructions from CSAUS (全美中文學會)There are 400 sample testing questions on the following website. I recommend all students, guided by their parents to do part or all of them to better prepare for it.

3. Sponsored by 侨报 and McDonald, with helps from all parents, NWCS' Contests and Activities were very sucessful. Our kids are happy with the $5.00 gift-card from McDonald and other prices. We are happy with their results, we are happier with their active involements.
4. NWCS' 15th Anniversary
As Mr. Charlie Wang, an NWCS' senior member initiated, Admin, jointly with PTA, is planning ahead, upon with the Board's approval, a series events of her 15th anniversary, on the web & in the classrooms. Suggestions & advise are welcome;
5. Saturday, Feb. 13th, we start our first week of the Spring Semester. Please Note, we have classes as normal.
Thank you all!


3rd weekly routine briefings

Dear All NWCS members:
Dear All Parents and Teachers:

The attached
西北中文CCKC模拟练习题is special for, but not limited to, our students who is to take Chinese Culture Knowledge Contest (CCKC) on March the 6th here at NWCS Newport High School Testing Center. Please finish these exercises by yourself or with the help of your parents before the 6th. If you feel you still have more time, please work on the books with the guidance of your teachers and parents as well.

The test starts at 9:30am. Teachers (plus volunteer parent) and students must be in the classrooms at 9:00AM. Rules and Regulations are to be announced. Students from classes other than the 9th ~ 12th, and from afternoon classes will be properly seated before 9:30am.

Gifts from 国家汉办will be given to all students who have taken the test. Don't go away till told to, please.

May everyone of you a success!

Thank you,

Tao Zhang

The Principal of NWCS
On Behalf of Admin Team
Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul

5th weekly email briefings

Dear All NWCS General Members,
Dear All Parents & Teachers,

Admin has finished its first section work of the Spring Semester------registration, tuition, class adjustments, CCKC contest, etc. with great help and supports from all of you. Thank you very much indeed!

Now more attention will be paid to the following tasks with regular classes being taught as normal.

1. The Principal would like to invite students of 9th graders and up who have no classes after 11:00 (at classroom 1111 from 11:10 ~ 11: 45) to have a discussion about Chinese Language & Culture Learning, to hear their voices, opinions and academic needs. (只讲中文) Teachers and Parents are welcome, with the following in mind,

In my short speech at the stage of Ikea center, I mentioned that.......我們也深刻地认识到我們在发展中所面临的挑战,從从宏观上讲,我們的数学,音乐,美术,舞蹈,才艺等副科的教学效果要比中文教学本 身來的明显。上中文学校,家长的热情邀胜于学生本人的热情,学校吸引学生的地方似乎不在于中文学习本身。有相当部分的学生,在中文学校学习数年,对中文还 是有隔膜感,读写说仍有困难。換句話说,我們面临的不是生存的问题,而是突破和提高的问题,而突破口就在于如何对学生产生足夠的吸引力,使之成为学生自觉 的快乐学习过程,而不是家長迫使的结果,这正是我们努力的方向所在。

作 为父母和过来人,我们都知道,学习需要的是勤奋和刻苦。所谓“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦做舟”。当一个人通过学习,增长了学识、取得了成就、并且有更美 好的未来时,学习的结果就是快乐的。这正与西方谚语所讲的“No pain, No gain”不谋而合。如今,作为一种全新的学习理念,“快乐学习”已得到老师和家长们的广泛认同,尤其对于在海外的非主流语言环境中的中文学习。
我们很赞同“快乐学习”的理念,变被动学习为主动学习,不仅追求学习结果的快乐,同时也追求学习过程的快乐。“快乐学习”的重要一环,就是激发学习兴趣,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中,进行自主和快乐的学习,从而改善学习效率,更好的完成学习目标。我 們听过部分老师如叶老师,林伟琦老师,李淑芬老师,孙梅茹老师,杨欢等老师的授课,无论是教学内容还是教学方法都是一流的。但往往功夫在课外,学生仅靠每 周两个课时是远远不夠的,这就要靠学生及家長的配合,因为语文能力的提高更多的来自于课外阅读,而鼓励阅读的最佳方式是让阅读带来乐趣。(我们PTA图书馆应有中文书籍可供学生借阅,配合我們的教学,他们才是我们学校服务的主要对象)但我們同时认为,语文和文化是密不可分的。任何好的作品,哪怕是给幼儿阅读的童話或寓言,都会积极宣导正确的价值观,不管那是西方的还是东方的。对于孩子,语文学习同时伴随价值观的学习,历来如此,也应该如此。这正是教育的责任。

2. With the leadership of Deputy Principal Leng Jing, our Summer Program is ready with the same location and the same great team, targeting kids of 11 years old or under. For details, please pay attention to our AD, and please tell your neighbors about it;

3. With the leadership of Math Director, Dai, Rong, his team members are working hard to meet the needs of the expectations from parents and students;

4. With the help of PTA and Board, to protect kids' privacy and to raise funds, the Chinese New Year Performance photos are ready for NWCS members to purchase. Please log on the link provided in 4th weekly email, jot down the # (e.g. section 8, the 7th, the 8th, the 11th, etc), attached with your correct email address. Then, please go to the PTA desk Saturday between 9:30~ 12:30.

5. Jointly, with all efforts, we are upgrading our Soon, an all round new "face" will present in front of YOU. 西北中文藏龙臥虎,欢迎参与。欢迎常到我们的网上看看,我们的点击率还比较低,有待提高。



The Principal of NWCS
On Behalf of NWCS Admin

Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul

Monday, March 8, 2010

4th weekly briefings

Dear all NWCS members,
Dear all Parents & Teachers,

1. To avoid financial charges, those who have not paid the tuition yet, please come to the Admin Desk and pay the balance.

2. All students who took the CCKC test last Saturday will get a gift (最新版新华字典),请相关老师到Admin Desk领奖品.

3. This Saturday (6:00AM~ 2:00PM), some of the Common area (the Lobby) of NHS will be occupied by NHS students for special event, please cooperate if necessary.

4. All teachers are scheduled to have a meeting on March 27th, 2010 at Newport High from 2:00pm ~ 4:00pm, discussing current class-related issues, web-demo, etc. including teachers-training. Please plan ahead.

5. Parents who like to have a glance of the photos of the Chinese New Year Performance, please click the following links, see if you can:

6. All academic activities, math, arts, writing, are under way in the right track, please feel free to contact me All suggestions and advise are welcome.

7. A lecture of Chinese culture/ calligraphy will be given at classroom 1111 at 11:ooam this Saturday. Welcome.

Thanks, so long!

Zhang Tao

On Behalf of Admin, NWCS
Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul

Monday, March 1, 2010

2nd weekly briefings

Dear All NWCS Members,
Dear All Parents & Teachers,

1st of all, the successful Chinese New Year Celebration Performance marked the smooth beginning of the new semester. I hereby extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to make it possible, on behalf of NWCS Administration Team. What a show! What a great team work!(在此,谨向台前幕后的所有演务人员致谢致敬)。

2nd, For those who have not yet paid the tuition, please come with your checkbooks and make the payment at the Admin Desk.

3rd, students who is to take Chinese Culture Contest on March the 6th here at NWCS Newport High School Testing Center, please work harder on the books with the guidance of your teachers and parents as well. A special meeting for it will be held at Classroom 1111 at 11:00am. Parents are welcome to join us.
加油,参加中文知识竞赛的同学们!May you a success!

4th, a digital camera was found in Ikea Performance Center at the end of the show. Please come to Admin Desk on Saturday.

5th, 二胡,杨琴classes are still open to register. Adults (parents) are welcome.

lastly, 汉字硬笔书法/如何快写钢笔字课 might be open free to all NWCS members, depending on demands. Please send e-mails to or come to Admin Desk on Saturday if you are interested. Your quick response is appreciated.

Thanks and see you Saturday,

So long,

Zhang Tao

On Behalf of NWCS Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart & Soul