Dear NWCS fellow members,
Dear all teachers,
This weekly briefing might not be brief since we have lots of issues to address. Thank you very much for your patience. Here are the key points:
1. The enrollment for NWCS 2010 summer program is open.
This is the fourteenth year of NWCS summer program. The summer program will again features unique programs, strong management & highly qualified teachers with years of teaching experience at NWCS who have been taught children with enthusiasm and love. Students will take Chinese, Math, Art, Science, Martial Art and English reading, etc. during the summer. We also provide a fun and safe playground for outdoor activities. Every Friday we will offer various field trips for every camper. For detailed information, please refer to the attached flyer.
This is the fourteenth year of NWCS summer program. The summer program will again features unique programs, strong management & highly qualified teachers with years of teaching experience at NWCS who have been taught children with enthusiasm and love. Students will take Chinese, Math, Art, Science, Martial Art and English reading, etc. during the summer. We also provide a fun and safe playground for outdoor activities. Every Friday we will offer various field trips for every camper. For detailed information, please refer to the attached flyer.
2. Please fill out the national census documents as accurately as possibly, and send it out by mail in time, thanks;
4. 无论您是学工的,学文的,还是学理的,无论您是从秀水东街走来,还是从淮海中路走来,都经历过十年寒窗,也都有饱读经典的经历。为了孩子们的教育,我们才 在此时此地不期而遇,对此话题我想你们一定也会深感同受。我们期望得到全体家长的支持,因为我们要求孩子们阅读,我们家长首先要以身作则,为他们树立效仿 的榜样。
我 这里所说的经典阅读是指配合我们中文教学,通过有计划地指导,要求学生课外阅读那些大家公认的,可以称之为经典的作品来对学生进行学科素养、文化品位以及 人文精神的塑造和提升的教育过程。这一过程对于学生的个体成长有着非常重要的作用。但经典阅读和快乐阅读在西北中文学校的特定条件下需要大家的共同参与, 和admin不懈的推动。先募捐,之后根据有无再列书单报请BOARD, PTA购买一部分。首先要创造这样的文化氛围。
所 谓经典,就是指那些经过历史选择出来的“最有价值的书”,具有典范性、权威性的特征。经典通过个人独特的世界观和不可重复的创造,凸显出丰厚的文化积淀和 人性内涵,提出一些人类精神生活的根本性问题。它们与特定历史时期鲜活的时代感以及当下意识交融在一起,富有原创性和持久的震撼力,从而形成重要的思想文 化传统。
人类最美好的思想往往包蕴在经典名著中。钱理群教授说过,人类精神文明的成果就是通过各类学科(不只是文学,还有其他人文科学、 社会科学、自然科学)的名著(经典)的阅读而代代相传的,在这个意义上,受教育的基本途径就是读名著(经典)。阅读经典名著,学生可以不断提升对作品的审 美鉴赏能力,从中汲取人文精神,树立正确的价值观念。同时,经典是阐释者与被阐释者文本之间互动的结果。从价值定位看,经典必须成为民族语言和思想的象征 符号。如莎士比亚之于英国和英国文学,普希金之于俄罗斯与俄罗斯文学,鲁迅之于中国和中国文学,他们的经典都远远超越了个人意义, 上升成为一个民族,甚至是全人类的共同经典。
5. 有针对性地为学生自编与活页文选相类似的读物, 包括数学方面的读物。有意者,请与校长联系。
6. 无巧不成书,在部分家长的积极努力下,我校将成立读书会,以家长教师参与为主,定期组织活动,与我们学生的快乐读书活动不谋而合。详见attached (reading-club)。欢迎加入。地点为:Newport High School, Classroom # 1112. (Not Newport Beach High School, Not #2111, as stated on the flyer. 特此更正)
Thank you very much for your patience.
So long,
Zhang Tao
Principal of NWCS
On behalf of Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart & Soul