Dear All NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Teachers & Parents;
1。上周六上午在主校园大厅举行全体会员大会圆满成功。无论是财务运营说明,PTA工作要点,还是董事长讲话、校长的报告:过去一年的教学行政工作,下一学年的教学计划,都得到了家长们的好评。特此鸣谢---到会的:谢谢你们百忙之中的出席; 未能到会的:谢谢你们百分之百的信任(董事长严书明语);
The NWCS Annual General Member Assembly held last Saturday at NHS was of a great success: we got favorable responses on all the topics: Financial analysis, PTA Guidelines, Speech by Board Chair, and the Principal's Report on behalf of Admin. Therefore, I extend my sincerely thanks to those present: Thank you for coming, and to those absent: Thank you for your trust; (quoting Yan, Shuming, Board Chair)
2. We are going to have an "Open House" for our summer program. You are invited: meet with our diligent teachers; know of our curriculum, and learn more about it in details. Cold soft drinks and Delicious cookies will be served.
Address: Unity of Bellevue Church, 16330 NE 4th, Bellevue, WA 98008
Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm, June 11th, 2010
3.滕胜毅Teng Smiles Orthodontics Awards中学生作文奖已经评出,特此祝贺,特此鸣谢滕医生; 谢谢七位评委老师,辛苦啦!
西北中文学校获奖学生名单 (for a full list, please refer to our web for details)
初中组(Middle School Group)
第一名:李思源 (6E)- 我最喜欢的一件艺术品
第二名:许芸雅(7E)- 黄石公园
第三名:陈语飞 (8A)- 自我介绍
高中组(High School Group)
第一名:詹楚阳(9E)- 读书报告:噢巴马登长城
第二名:张沐溢(10A)- 保护环境
第三名:金立凡 (11A)- 快乐一日
4. 继续播放文献片《汉字五千年》,本周播第六集《天下至宝》,Classroom 1111, 11:00-11:55am, 欢迎继续观赏, 体验集体观赏那特有的魅力、感受和效果;
5. 因Storage Space 有限,LOST/FOUND ITEMS will be donated to GOODWILL if nobody comes to claim until 12:30pm May 22;
Zhang Tao
On Behalf of Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul