Dear all NWCS Fellow Members,
Dear all Parents, Teachers and Students,
相信大家都会同意这样的观点:在所有中国的传统节日中,中秋节最富有浪漫色彩,最具有文化韵味,充满了诗情画意,是中国文学中最美的符号,是我们知识分子的最爱。让我们同远在祖国的亲人们一起,共庆中秋,“ 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。” I believe that you may agree my viewpoint that among all traditional Chinese Holidays, Mid-Autumn is the one we intellectuals love most. It is the most beautiful and the most popular one in the history of Chinese Literature, romantic, cultural, poetic and picturesque. Let’s celebrate it by sharing the beauty of the MOONLIGHT with them, though on different sides of the Pacific. “So let us wish that man will live long as he can!Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty she displays.”
2两周一次的奥数技能训练Do you like to have your Children get well prepared for the upcoming high school level of national math competitions (i.e. AMC 12 and AIME)? We are planning to open a new Math Olympic training program on Saturday (12:10 - 13:00, tbd) biweekly in NWCS campus for the middle/high school students with exceptional ability. In this training session, we will use challenging material to help students walk through some key steps of "hard" problem-solving, in order to improve their mathematical analysis skills. If your child is passionate to sign up this training session, or if you have any questions about this notice, please contact, with student name, current grade in weekday school, and phone number.
5为使我校学生在明年4-5月份举行的中华文化知识竞赛中取得更优异的成绩,我校特聘孙本经老师专门对高年级(8-12)的学生进行为期20多个课时的系统辅导。不另收费,但学生成绩一并计入中文课的总成绩,欲毕业前申请HIGH SCHOOL WORLD LANGUAGE CREDITS的同学一定会受益良多。明年想要免费畅游中国的同学,更要踊跃参加。请8、9、10、11、12年级的各班老师帮助登记本班的学生,25日放学前报至校长处。授课时间为:12-2pm。教材为《中国文化、地理、历史》一套三册。教室另行通知。
6谢谢即将卸任的PTA主席马冬, 请推选/自荐下任PTA主席Serving wonderfully for his one-year-long term, our PTA Chair, David Ma (Ma Dong) is to step down from this great position. Please allow me, on behalf of NWCS, Board & admin, to express our gratitude to him for his excellent contributions and leadership. A new PTA Chair is to be elected before the end of this month. Please nominate your candidates or yourself to
7成人中高级羽毛球训练班NWCS decided to offer an Adult Intermediate Badminton class this semester. The class will be held on Saturdays 9:10am - 10:40am from Sept. 25th to Jan. 22nd. The class will be taught by the head coach Ms. Huaiwen Xu of Bellevue Badminton Club at the club. The maximum class size is 8 people. The class fee is $160. If you are interested in signing up for the class, please send e-mail to: before Sept. 25th, 2010. Due to limited class size, it will be on first come first serve base. A waiting list will be compiled if registration exceeds 8 people. However, if we don’t have enough enrollments, the class will be cancelled. NWCS may open more classes with different levels next semester if this semester's class is well received and if there are more demands.
So long,
The Principal
On behalf of NWCS Admin
Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul