Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
1.值此新年来临之际,马冬校长携行政管理团队全体同仁,谨向我们学校的每一位成员,包括我们的学生,老师,家长、各位董事和所有的PTA LEAD致以节日的祝福!敬祝大家:新年快乐!万事如意!再次感谢您在过去的一年里对西北中文学校的支持和帮助,感谢您为西北中文学校的发展所做出的努力和奉献!
On behalf of NWCS Admin of Northwest Chinese School, we hereby extend our best wishes to you all——our students, teachers, parents, the Board members, and the PTA Lead etc.—— for a Happy New Year!Thank you very much for your continuous support and your great contributions to NWCS. We are looking forward to a happier and more fruitful New Year.
2. 本周六我们主校和西雅图分校所有班级都照课表正常上课, 欢迎大家返校。
This Saturday, Jan 4th, 2014, all NWCS classes of main campus and Seattle Branch will follow regular schedules as defined in our new NWCS school calendar. Welcome back to school! See you in the New Year!
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team