Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NWCS 8th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear All NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers, and Students;
Mid-term exams for most classes are taking place on this Saturday. Parents: please make sure to send your kids into their classrooms in time.
2.谢我校师生家长积极参与上周的西雅图教育大展。需要提醒大家的是我们在前面几周谈过的停车问题在上周又再次出现,希望大家都重视这个问题,千万不要在roundabouts 或是loading/unloading zone 停车。每次在把你的孩子Drop off后请立即把车开走,这样才能保持交通的畅通。
We want to thank those who participated in “Seattle Education Expo” last week. Since the old problem of parking reappeared last week, we want to urge all of you again not to park your car at the roundabouts or the loading/unloading zone (the area closer to the school building).
3. 下周六,即十一月九日, 因为 Newport High School Annual“SKI SWAP”EVENT中文学校无课。希望你们度过一个难得的轻松愉快的长周末
Due to Newport high school’s annual ski swap event NWCS will have no school next Saturday (November 9th, 2013). And we wish you a happy and relaxed “long weekend”!
4.另外,请认识下面一些家长的老师或朋友友情提醒他们周六来Bellevue 行政办公桌前报知公司 Volunteer Hours资金分配到班级的详细计划(以后出来的名单还会陆续发布): Ma,Kenneth Shi,Fang;  Tang,Lan   Yang,Ji     
Company Volunteer Hours matching fund has already arrived. Parents whose names are in the above list, please let us know where you would like to allocate the fund by coming to the Bellevue admin desk on Saturdays.
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

NWCS 7th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
It is Midterm review and exam time again. The mid-term test will be scheduled on 11/02 for most of classes, please help your children to get ready for the  test so they can be better prepared for the second half of our semester’s learning.
2.为了满足西北中文学校长期发展的需要, 学校计划筹建"西北中文学校基金会", 考虑招聘有奉献精神、有基金会管理经验及能力的人员, 专心地把这项工作做起来, 基金会将以筹集资金购买学校固定校舍为主要目标。 敬请有兴趣的家长和老师踊跃报名或提出宝贵建议, 最好在11/02前答复。Email:
To help with our school’s growing needs, we are planning to establish a “Northwest Chinese School Foundation” and need to hire some staff who has working experience in fundraising and is enthusiastic to work for our school. Those who are interested please send email to
3. 另外,这个学期学校为了今后健康稳步的持续发展,筹建了人文教育部,计划从今年十一月起,在本地比较有影响力的华文报纸(《侨报》)上刊登一个专栏西北教育论坛,栏目包括学生作品教师风采家长育儿心得等。旨在通过发表学生,家长和老师的作品,培养和激发学生对中文写作,书法绘画等与中国文化相关教学内容的兴趣,宣传我校的教学理念,展示我们的教学成果,增强西北人对学校的自豪感和归属感。学生作品需要通过老师推荐,同时也欢迎家长投稿,稿件一经录用均会酌情支付稿酬。来稿请寄
In the coming November our school will start to open a “Northwest Education Forum” in our local Chinese newspaper (《侨报》)and it will include our students’ Chinese essay writings, calligraphy, painting works, teachers’ researches and parents ’parenting tips etc. Even though the students’ work need to be recommended by their teachers, you parents are welcome to submit your own work through email to:
4.2013年第五届西雅图教育大展将于本周六(1026日)上午8:30至下午3点在Newport High School举行。加州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的14所名校的招生专员将为您现场解答申报大学的有关问题。华裔教育专家伍炜豪将设SAT模拟考场并讲解如何提高SAT成绩。著名大学助学金及税务规划专家Michael Chan将分析助学金申请时常犯的错误以帮助更多家庭得到大学助学金和税务优惠。韩裔四栖明星 Victor Kim将亲临现场作励志演讲。前100名到场者可获得礼品一份,所有活动参加者均可参加现场抽奖并有机会赢得《侨报》提供的奖品New iPad。希望我校学生家长踊跃参加。另外, 为了减少可以预见的停车压力,我们鼓励大家拼车,步行或是在附近停车场停车。
The 5th Annual Seattle Education Exposition will be held on this coming Saturday October 26, 2013 from 8:30 am to 3 pm at Newport High SchoolThe Expo brings together admissions officers from 14 universities around the states of California, Washington and Oregon, financial advisors, inspirational speakers, college admission prep teachers, and top school alumnus to give high school students, as well as their parents, a better understanding of the college admissions process, higher education options, and how to make the most out of their college experience. The first 100 attendees will receive special gifts. Raffle prizes include New iPad, Gift Cards from McDonald's, amongst others. McDonald's will be handing out gift cards that can be used at local McDonald's restaurants close by. We welcome every parent to take part in this grand event and hope you can carpool or park further away to ease the parking problem.

Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

NWCS 6th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
1.首先我们要代表所有老师和学校管理团队再次感谢学校PTA核心团队和各班PTA volunteers的奉献和合作精神! 有了他们,我们开学以来的学校安全值勤和礼券销售工作才开展得如此井然有序。他们的这份热情在上周六召开的Annual Class PTA Leads meeting中更是在座无虚席的热烈讨论中再次得到证明。我们希望他们继续保持这份热情,也让我们一起继续热切关注和配合学校PTA本学期组织的各项活动!
First, on behalf of all the teachers and the admin team, we want to thank our PTA core team and all the parent volunteers for their hard work and cooperation. It was through their selfless contribution that our safety patrol and gift certificate sales went so smoothly in the past few weeks. And the Annual Class PTA Leads meeting held on last Saturday was a great success. We are all looking forward to taking part in the great programs our PTA has planned for this school year.

2.作为老师、家长和学校之间的重要桥梁,各班PTA LEAD也请帮助协调解决好最近老师家长反映较多的课堂纪律问题。虽然我们理解有些家长关心自己孩子学习状况的心情,但他们随意出入教室的行为严重影响了上课秩序和学生听课的氛围。在此我们再次强调学校对于家长进入教室的限制规定:五年级以下的班级在经过老师同意后,欢迎一到两名家长在教室内配合老师组织好教学,帮老师维持课堂纪律。其他家长在没有老师许可下请不要在上课期间随意出入教室
As an important bridge between the parents and teachers, our PTA LEAD in each class should help to solve a classroom discipline problem that some parents and teachers had complained about recently. Even though we understand that some parents want to check out their children in class to make sure they can follow the teachers’ instruction, their entering or exiting the classroom had negatively affected learning process. Thus we want to emphasize our school regulation here that all parents need to get permission from the teacher to enter the classroom after the class starts.
3.上周我们公布今年六月前家长报送的公司 Volunteer Hours资金名单后,名单上一半的家长已经报知资金分配到班级的详细计划, 在此表示感谢。另外,请认识下面一些家长的老师或朋友友情提醒他们发信到qiufang.yi@nwchinese.org或者周六来Bellevue 行政办公桌前报知资金分配到班级的详细计划(以后出来的名单还会陆续发布): 
Cao,Dong; Liu,MichaelLiu,ZhiqiangMa,Kenneth Pan,Haihong Pauline; Shao,Li;  Shi,Fang;  Sun,Xiaowei;  Tang,Lan   Wei,Cheng; Yang,Ji     
Microsoft Volunteer Hours matching fund has already arrived. Parents whose names are in the above list, please let us know where you would like to allocate the fund by sending email to or coming to the Bellevue admin desk on Saturdays.

4. 这周六我校Bellevue家长与李市长的见面会,详情请参阅附件。见面时间为:12:00pm --1:45pm。地点:NHS 2119教室。座位有限,请尽早安排打算。
To provide a connection/interaction opportunity between Bellevue residents and Mayor Lee, there will be a Meet & Greet with Bellevue Mayor Conrad Lee (please refer the attachment for the details) on this Saturday (10/19) from 12:00pm to 1:45pm at Room 2119. Since the space is limited, please come as early as possible.

Thank you all!

NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NWCS 5th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
1. 您知道吗?再过两年,西北中文学校就要庆祝自己的二十岁生日了!从1995年创建到现在已经十八年,从最初仅有三位老师,四十几个学生到现在成为拥有两千多师生的名校,这一路的风风雨雨,我们经历过了什么样的胜利,什么样的失败,什么样的痛苦,什么样的感动,让我们一起用文字记录下这一段成长的历史,让它成为我们共同的精神财富。学校现在面向所有曾经参与西北中文学校的师生家长征集稿件征稿的题目范围包括(但不限于):
·       我与西北中文学校
·       我对西北中文学校的记忆
·       西北中文学校趣事
·       我想介绍的西北中文学校的一位。。。
·       西北中文学校永在我心中

Do you know our Northwest Chinese School will celebrate its 20 year anniversary in two years since it was founded as a non-profit educational organization in 1995? To celebrate its growth and history our school is seeking essay submission from all members of our school to record their experiences or memories of our school. There will be no deadlines or word limits on the essays. And you can send your articles through email to: If your work is accepted you can receive a certificate and a gift from our school.

2. 本周是开学的第五周,仍未交纳学费的家长,请您尽早完成, 否则将每周累计附加五美元的延迟费。另外,本周起退课的家长将不再会有退款
If you have NOT paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday at the Admin Desk during school hours (9:00am to 2:00pm). Starting from the 4th week, an additional $5.00/week late-fee will be charged to your account. Also there will be NO more refund if you want to withdraw from a class this week.
3. 今年六月前家长报送的公司 Volunteer Hours资金名单现在大部分已经出来,部分家长已经报知资金分配到班级的详细计划。以后出来的名单还会陆续发布。请下面一些家长发信到qiufang.yi@nwchinese.org或者周六来Bellevue 行政办公桌前报知资金分配到班级的详细计划:
Cao,Dong   Cao,Yi   Chen,Bin   Liu,Michael   Liu,Zhiqiang   Ma,Kenneth   Pan,Haihong Pauline

Shao,Li   Shi,Fang   Sun,Chenliang   Sun,Xiaowei   Tang,Lan   Wei,Cheng  Wu,Frank, Xiong,Yihua
Yang,Ji   Zhang,Yanan 

Microsoft Volunteer Hours matching fund has already arrived. Parents whose names are in the above list, please let us know where you would like to allocate the fund by sending email to or coming to the Bellevue admin desk on Saturdays.

4. 古筝老师Ivy 将在本周六1:30 pm -2:30pm西雅图分校免费表演古筝演奏,欢迎有兴趣学习古筝的学生和家长欣赏。
 Ivy, the Guzheng teacher will offer a free Guzheng performance at Seattle Branch from 1:30 pm -2:30pm. You are welcome to enjoy it if you have an interest to learn Guzheng in the future.

5. 祝贺我校美术老师张翔作为今年唯一的中国艺术家代表和其他28SammamishSeattle地区艺术家一道参加Sammamish一年一度的艺术节。详情请参考
Congratulations to our school’s art teacher Zhang Xiang, as the only Chinese artist representative among about thirty Sammamish and Seattle artists who contribute to Sammamish’s annual art festival this year. For details please see

6.我们学校所在的Bellevue市这几年的快速发展令世人瞩目。如果你们和我们一样为Bellevue拥有一位华裔市长而骄傲,那么你们一定会为下周六我们特意安排的我校居住在Bellevue的家长与李市长的见面会感到兴奋。见面时间为:Oct 19th Saturday (12:00pm --1:45pm)。地点:NHS 2119教室。座位有限,请尽早安排打算。
To provide a connection / interaction opportunity between Bellevue residents and Mayor Lee, there will be a  Meet & Greet with Bellevue Mayor Conrad Lee on Oct 19th Saturday (12:00pm --1:45pm) at Room 2119. Since the space is limited, please come as early as possible.

Thank you all!

NWCS Admin Team

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NWCS 4th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;

1.  相信大家都有共同的感叹:连续几周的阴雨天气让我们周末校园里的停车问题更加突出了。在此我们呼吁大家:希望我们在开车或停车的时候能本着互相理解互相帮助的态度,都多留一份温暖和方便给别人,让你认识或即将认识的家长同学和老师都能体会到回归大家庭般的亲切感。特别需要强调的是:请千万不要在Loading/Unloading Zone  (the area closest to the Main school building) 停留过久。每次您在把孩 drop off后请立即把车开走,这样才能保持交通的畅通。而且有时候在距教学楼较远的停车场停车反而会节省时间.
Due to the rainy weather in recent weeks the school parking lot gets extremely crowded especially during the class transition time. We could only solve this problem by taking the attitude of caring more about other people and putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Please do not park your car in loading/unloading zone (the area closer to the school building). To reduce time in searching for a parking spot, parking further away from the main building may be a better idea.

2.  本周是开学的第四周,仍未交纳学费的家长,请您务必在本周完成,否则从本周开始将每周累计附加五美元的延迟费。
If you have NOT paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday at the Admin Desk during school hours (9:00am to 2:00pm). Starting from the 4th week, an additional $5.00/week late-fee will be charged to your account.
3. 本周起将不再办理转班,退课的家长只能得到50%的退款。下周起退课将不再有退款
Please NOTE:  There will be NO more class switching this coming Saturday. Only 50% refund will be available if you want to withdraw from a class this week. And from next week on there will be no more refund.
4. 幼儿舞蹈班是我们西北中文学校年龄最小的舞蹈启蒙班,由专业舞蹈老师教授,良好的基础训练将影响孩子们一生的体态健康。我们幼儿舞蹈班在过去的两年里参加了学校以及各大社区举办的春节晚会和一年一度的华人艺术节的表演,其代表作“园丁”、“轻轻的告诉你”赢得了广大观众的热烈掌声(请参阅下面链接欣赏我们孩子们的精彩表演)。目前该班将继续招收新学生(年龄4-6岁), 如果您的孩子对舞蹈感兴趣,可到学校行政办公桌报名登记。

5. This year Chinese Institute of Engineer (西雅图中国工程师协会)will host the 11th annual CIE/USA-Seattle Math Comp and Science Fun Program again at Bellevue High School on Sunday November 3rd 2013. In past years, a lot of NWCS students from Grade 3rd – 8th participate in this event and won prizes, please refer the attachment for the details if your kid has an interest this year.

6. 我们的工作中肯定还存在不足和需要改进的地方,您有什么好的建议、想法,欢迎发电子邮件给我们

We know there might still exist some problems in our work and hope you can offer your precious inputs about them by sending emails to 

Thank you all!

NWCS Admin Team