Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
1.首先我们要代表所有老师和学校管理团队再次感谢学校PTA核心团队和各班PTA volunteers的奉献和合作精神! 有了他们,我们开学以来的学校安全值勤和礼券销售工作才开展得如此井然有序。他们的这份热情在上周六召开的Annual Class PTA Leads meeting中更是在座无虚席的热烈讨论中再次得到证明。我们希望他们继续保持这份热情,也让我们一起继续热切关注和配合学校PTA本学期组织的各项活动!
First, on behalf of all the teachers and the admin team, we want to thank our PTA core team and all the parent volunteers for their hard work and cooperation. It was through their selfless contribution that our safety patrol and gift certificate sales went so smoothly in the past few weeks. And the Annual Class PTA Leads meeting held on last Saturday was a great success. We are all looking forward to taking part in the great programs our PTA has planned for this school year.
2.作为老师、家长和学校之间的重要桥梁,各班PTA LEAD也请帮助协调解决好最近老师家长反映较多的课堂纪律问题。虽然我们理解有些家长关心自己孩子学习状况的心情,但他们随意出入教室的行为严重影响了上课秩序和学生听课的氛围。在此我们再次强调学校对于家长进入教室的限制规定:五年级以下的班级在经过老师同意后,欢迎一到两名家长在教室内配合老师组织好教学,帮老师维持课堂纪律。其他家长在没有老师许可下请不要在上课期间随意出入教室。
As an important bridge between the
parents and teachers, our PTA LEAD in each class
should help to solve a classroom discipline problem that some parents
and teachers had complained about recently. Even though we understand that some
parents want to check out their children in class to make sure they can follow
the teachers’ instruction, their entering or exiting the classroom had
negatively affected learning process. Thus we want to emphasize our school regulation
here that all parents need to get permission from the teacher to enter the
classroom after the class starts.
3.上周我们公布今年六月前家长报送的公司 Volunteer Hours资金名单后,名单上一半的家长已经报知资金分配到班级的详细计划, 在此表示感谢。另外,请认识下面一些家长的老师或朋友友情提醒他们发信到qiufang.yi@nwchinese.org或者周六来Bellevue 行政办公桌前报知资金分配到班级的详细计划(以后出来的名单还会陆续发布): Cao,Dong; Liu,Michael;Liu,Zhiqiang;Ma,Kenneth; Pan,Haihong Pauline; Shao,Li; Shi,Fang; Sun,Xiaowei; Tang,Lan Wei,Cheng; Yang,Ji
Microsoft Volunteer Hours matching fund has already arrived. Parents whose names are in the above list, please let us know where you would like to allocate the fund by sending email to or coming to the Bellevue admin desk on Saturdays.
4. 这周六我校Bellevue家长与李市长的见面会,详情请参阅附件。见面时间为:12:00pm --1:45pm。地点:NHS 2119教室。座位有限,请尽早安排打算。
To provide a
connection/interaction opportunity between Bellevue residents and Mayor Lee, there will be a Meet & Greet with Bellevue Mayor Conrad
Lee (please refer the attachment for the details) on this Saturday
(10/19) from 12:00pm to 1:45pm at Room 2119. Since the space is limited,
please come as early as possible.
you all!西北中文学校教学行政团队
NWCS Admin Team