Dear All NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers, and Students;
Mid-term exams for most classes are taking place on this Saturday. Parents: please make sure to send your kids into their classrooms in time.
2.感谢我校师生家长积极参与上周的“西雅图教育大展”。需要提醒大家的是我们在前面几周谈过的乱停车问题在上周又再次出现,希望大家都重视这个问题,千万不要在roundabouts 或是loading/unloading zone 停车。每次在把你的孩子Drop off后请立即把车开走,这样才能保持交通的畅通。
We want to thank those who participated in “Seattle Education Expo” last week. Since the old problem of parking reappeared last week, we want to urge all of you again not to park your car at the roundabouts or the loading/unloading zone (the area closer to the school building).
3. 下周六,即十一月九日, 因为 Newport High School Annual“SKI SWAP”EVENT,中文学校无课。希望你们度过一个难得的轻松愉快的“长周末”!
Due to Newport high school’s annual ski swap event NWCS will have no school next Saturday (November 9th, 2013). And we wish you a happy and relaxed “long weekend”!
4.另外,请认识下面一些家长的老师或朋友友情提醒他们周六来Bellevue 行政办公桌前报知公司 Volunteer Hours资金分配到班级的详细计划(以后出来的名单还会陆续发布): Ma,Kenneth; Shi,Fang; Tang,Lan Yang,Ji
Company Volunteer Hours matching fund has already arrived. Parents whose names are in the above list, please let us know where you would like to allocate the fund by coming to the Bellevue admin desk on Saturdays.
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team