Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
It is Midterm review and exam time again. The mid-term test will be scheduled on 11/02 for most of classes, please help your children to get ready for the test so they can be better prepared for the second half of our semester’s learning.
2.为了满足西北中文学校长期发展的需要, 学校计划筹建"西北中文学校基金会", 考虑招聘有奉献精神、有基金会管理经验及能力的人员, 专心地把这项工作做起来, 基金会将以筹集资金购买学校固定校舍为主要目标。 敬请有兴趣的家长和老师踊跃报名或提出宝贵建议, 最好在11/02前答复。Email: dong.ma@nwchinese.org.
To help with our school’s growing needs, we are planning to establish a “Northwest Chinese School Foundation” and need to hire some staff who has working experience in fundraising and is enthusiastic to work for our school. Those who are interested please send email to dong.ma@nwchinese.org.
3. 另外,这个学期学校为了今后健康稳步的持续发展,筹建了人文教育部,计划从今年十一月起,在本地比较有影响力的华文报纸(《侨报》)上刊登一个专栏“西北教育论坛”,栏目包括“学生作品”、“教师风采”和“家长育儿心得”等。旨在通过发表学生,家长和老师的作品,培养和激发学生对中文写作,书法绘画等与中国文化相关教学内容的兴趣,宣传我校的教学理念,展示我们的教学成果,增强西北人对学校的自豪感和归属感。学生作品需要通过老师推荐,同时也欢迎家长投稿,稿件一经录用均会酌情支付稿酬。来稿请寄:admin@nwchinese.org
In the coming November our school will start to open a “Northwest Education Forum” in our local Chinese newspaper (《侨报》)and it will include our students’ Chinese essay writings, calligraphy, painting works, teachers’ researches and parents ’parenting tips etc. Even though the students’ work need to be recommended by their teachers, you parents are welcome to submit your own work through email to: admin@nwchinese.org.
4.2013年第五届 “西雅图教育大展”将于本周六(10月26日)上午8:30至下午3点在Newport High School举行。加州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的14所名校的招生专员将为您现场解答申报大学的有关问题。华裔教育专家伍炜豪将设SAT模拟考场并讲解如何提高SAT成绩。著名大学助学金及税务规划专家Michael Chan将分析助学金申请时常犯的错误以帮助更多家庭得到大学助学金和税务优惠。韩裔四栖明星 Victor Kim将亲临现场作励志演讲。前100名到场者可获得礼品一份,所有活动参加者均可参加现场抽奖并有机会赢得《侨报》提供的奖品New iPad。希望我校学生家长踊跃参加。另外, 为了减少可以预见的停车压力,我们鼓励大家拼车,步行或是在附近停车场停车。
The 5th Annual Seattle Education Exposition will be held on this coming Saturday (October 26, 2013) from 8:30 am to 3 pm at Newport High School。The Expo brings together admissions officers from 14 universities around the states of California, Washington and Oregon, financial advisors, inspirational speakers, college admission prep teachers, and top school alumnus to give high school students, as well as their parents, a better understanding of the college admissions process, higher education options, and how to make the most out of their college experience. The first 100 attendees will receive special gifts. Raffle prizes include New iPad, Gift Cards from McDonald's, amongst others. McDonald's will be handing out gift cards that can be used at local McDonald's restaurants close by. We welcome every parent to take part in this grand event and hope you can carpool or park further away to ease the parking problem.
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team