Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NWCS 4th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;

1.  相信大家都有共同的感叹:连续几周的阴雨天气让我们周末校园里的停车问题更加突出了。在此我们呼吁大家:希望我们在开车或停车的时候能本着互相理解互相帮助的态度,都多留一份温暖和方便给别人,让你认识或即将认识的家长同学和老师都能体会到回归大家庭般的亲切感。特别需要强调的是:请千万不要在Loading/Unloading Zone  (the area closest to the Main school building) 停留过久。每次您在把孩 drop off后请立即把车开走,这样才能保持交通的畅通。而且有时候在距教学楼较远的停车场停车反而会节省时间.
Due to the rainy weather in recent weeks the school parking lot gets extremely crowded especially during the class transition time. We could only solve this problem by taking the attitude of caring more about other people and putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Please do not park your car in loading/unloading zone (the area closer to the school building). To reduce time in searching for a parking spot, parking further away from the main building may be a better idea.

2.  本周是开学的第四周,仍未交纳学费的家长,请您务必在本周完成,否则从本周开始将每周累计附加五美元的延迟费。
If you have NOT paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday at the Admin Desk during school hours (9:00am to 2:00pm). Starting from the 4th week, an additional $5.00/week late-fee will be charged to your account.
3. 本周起将不再办理转班,退课的家长只能得到50%的退款。下周起退课将不再有退款
Please NOTE:  There will be NO more class switching this coming Saturday. Only 50% refund will be available if you want to withdraw from a class this week. And from next week on there will be no more refund.
4. 幼儿舞蹈班是我们西北中文学校年龄最小的舞蹈启蒙班,由专业舞蹈老师教授,良好的基础训练将影响孩子们一生的体态健康。我们幼儿舞蹈班在过去的两年里参加了学校以及各大社区举办的春节晚会和一年一度的华人艺术节的表演,其代表作“园丁”、“轻轻的告诉你”赢得了广大观众的热烈掌声(请参阅下面链接欣赏我们孩子们的精彩表演)。目前该班将继续招收新学生(年龄4-6岁), 如果您的孩子对舞蹈感兴趣,可到学校行政办公桌报名登记。

5. This year Chinese Institute of Engineer (西雅图中国工程师协会)will host the 11th annual CIE/USA-Seattle Math Comp and Science Fun Program again at Bellevue High School on Sunday November 3rd 2013. In past years, a lot of NWCS students from Grade 3rd – 8th participate in this event and won prizes, please refer the attachment for the details if your kid has an interest this year.

6. 我们的工作中肯定还存在不足和需要改进的地方,您有什么好的建议、想法,欢迎发电子邮件给我们

We know there might still exist some problems in our work and hope you can offer your precious inputs about them by sending emails to 

Thank you all!

NWCS Admin Team