Thursday, February 6, 2014

NWCS 1st Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Spring Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
一、热烈祝贺我校马年春节联欢晚会成功举办以及西雅图海鹰队成功夺得本队历史上首个橄榄球超级碗!虽然成功的意义各不相同,但大家团结合作的精神是一样的。在此衷心感谢晚会所有的参与者,如果没有晚会组织策划者的精心安排,演出人员的辛苦排练和家长义工们的无私奉献,我们就不可能欣赏到这样一台高水准的春节联欢晚会! 本次晚会的新亮点是晚会主要策划人PTA主席许励就我校历史对我校五位创办人的电视采访,孔子说,"温故能知新",希望大家珍惜这段共同拥有的不同寻常的过去,我们也鼓励大家多提供与中文学校有关的历史资料和趣闻乐事,为校史的撰写添砖加瓦。
Congratulations to the Seahawks! Congratulations to the success of our NWCS Chinese Spring Festival Performance! What a great game and show! They all reflected the great spirit of unity and cooperation! On behalf of NWCS Board, Admin and PTA we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the NWCS CNY show planners, organizers, performers, parent volunteers etc. Without their supports and efforts we could not possibly enjoy such a high-quality show. One of the highlights for this year's show was the videotaped interview with our school's five founders to review our school's early history. The great thinker Confucius told us that we can gain new insights through reviewing the past. We hope we can all cherish our historical memories dearly and contribute more historical sources, records or reminiscent essays of NWCS to the editing of our school history.
二、本周六(2014年2月8日)将是新学期的第一天,请还没注册或交纳学费的家长赶快抓紧时间付费取书(马立平第二、四册和幼儿汉语第二、四册)。 我们鼓励所有返校学生采用快捷高效的网上注册付费:  (Main Campus)
This Saturday will be our first day of new spring semester. Based on school tuition policy, tuition is due on first day of semester. If you have not registered the class or paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday at the Admin Desk during school hours (9:00am to 2:00pm). For returning students, the online registration is strongly recommended. Please check the link above.
Congratulations to NWCS Children dancing 1 class led by Teacher Lu He, who represented NWCS and performed in "2014 Spring festive Gala of Chinese Radio Seattle "on 02/02. It was a very successful performance and audiences really loved their dance "Ten Minutes Recess". Great thanks to the hard work by Teacher He,the students and parents of NWCS children dance 1 class!
四、新一期的"西北教育论坛"发表了我校7E班王锌瞳,8A班蔡凯文和国画班Tina Guo的作品,请参见。请这几位同学周六11:00-11:30之间到行政办公桌领取奖品。欢迎大家继续投稿,来稿请寄
The "Northwest Education Forum" of 《侨报》is opened by our school to encourage our students, teachers and parents to write more Chinese essays. And you can find more works from our students in the new issue (see You are welcome to submit your own work through email to:
After our asking all our teachers, parents and management team to join us in searching for our school's motto, we have received some great responses. We want to thank you for your enthusiasm and hope more of you can join our discussions in order to search for the best motto that could summarize the motivation behind our school and set a great goal for us. You are welcome to join our discussion by sending emails to:
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team