Wednesday, January 22, 2014

NWCS 15th Weekly Briefings, 2013-2014 Fall Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;


Final exams for most classes are taking place on this Saturday01/25/2014. Parents: please help your children to prepare for the exams and make sure to send them into their classrooms on time.



According to our school calendar, next Saturday (02/01) will be our last day of fall semester and the first day of new spring semester will be February 8th. So there is no break between two semesters this school year (main campus only). And the registration process for the new spring semester has already started and you need to act quickly in order to ensure a spot for your children in your desired classes. All returning students are encouraged to register online (please see the link above).

三、如果您是第一次尝试网上注册,您的几乎所有的疑问将会在注册网页的链接上找到答案(,而且你也可以直接发信到 得到帮助。


1、如果您只是在网上注册了课程但还没有付费,请您务必记得打印出报名单,然后将支票和报告单钉在一起交到admin desk

2、这学期大部分的班级将不需要新的教科书,只有中文2A2E2D5A5E5F需要购买新的教材(《马立平中文》第二册、第四册); 另外Pre-School(《幼儿汉语》第二册)和Kindergarten(《幼儿汉语》第四册)各班级需要领取新教科书。当你完成注册付费,请别忘记打印出付费凭据前来admin desk领取新书。

3、如果您在网上完成了注册程序(注册课程并付完学费),并且无需购买新的教材,您将无需前往admin desk办理任何手续,可以直接继续下学期的学习。

If you are first-time users of our online registration, you can almost find all the answers to the questions you could have by opening the link (, and you can also send emails to for problems, questions and suggestions.

Here are some things we want to emphasize about on-line registration:

1. If you have only registered the classes but have not paid tuition online yet, please remember to print out your registered class list and drop it off with your paycheck at admin desk.

2. Most classes dont need new textbook for the new semester except Pre-school & Kindergarten classes need pick up new textbooks, and Chinese 2A, 2E, 2D and 5A, 5E, 5F need to purchase new textbooks. Please remember to print out your payment receipt and bring it to the admin desk to pick up the textbooks.

3. If you have registered classes and paid tuition online, and dont need new textbooks, then you are all set for the new semester! 

四、如果您想采用传统报名方式,您可以在周六到admin desk报名。为方便大家,您们可以在学校网站上查询到新学期的课程设置情况(与本学期相比没有大的变动)并且在家打印和填写好报名表(

If you prefer, you can do onsite registration at admin desk starting this coming Saturday. For your convenience you can print out and fill out registration forms from our school website before you come to the desk (

Congratulations to our NWCS Advanced dancing class led by our Teacher Fu Baiwei, who represented NWCS and performed for Microsoft CNY show 2014 last week. It was a very successful performance and audiences really loved their dance “Jasmin flower”. Great thanks to the hard work by Teacher Fu Baiwei and the students and parents of NWCS Advanced dancing class

六.另外,大家期待已久的我们学校自己的马年春节联欢会将在22日隆重推出。如果您想欣赏到我校师生家长在几个月的精心准备之后的文化盛宴,请您尽快到本校2014CNY售票网站直接购票,票价为每位$8元。如果您在网上买了票, 请打印出购票凭据于本周六从930分至1点到PTA Desk处或在演出当天到剧场入口处取票。您也可以在PTA Desk处直接购票。

We are looking forward to our own annual Chinese New Year party, which will be held on 02/02/2014 in Northshore Performing Art Center. Our school PTA, teachers and students have been preparing for this party for several months. Please make your ticket purchases as soon as possible. Tickets price is $8 dollars per person. Please order your tickets directly from our school 2014CNY ticket sales site and print out purchase confirmation for ticket pick-up at the PTA desk. 



Thank you all!


NWCS Admin Team