Friday, March 19, 2010

5th weekly email briefings

Dear All NWCS General Members,
Dear All Parents & Teachers,

Admin has finished its first section work of the Spring Semester------registration, tuition, class adjustments, CCKC contest, etc. with great help and supports from all of you. Thank you very much indeed!

Now more attention will be paid to the following tasks with regular classes being taught as normal.

1. The Principal would like to invite students of 9th graders and up who have no classes after 11:00 (at classroom 1111 from 11:10 ~ 11: 45) to have a discussion about Chinese Language & Culture Learning, to hear their voices, opinions and academic needs. (只讲中文) Teachers and Parents are welcome, with the following in mind,

In my short speech at the stage of Ikea center, I mentioned that.......我們也深刻地认识到我們在发展中所面临的挑战,從从宏观上讲,我們的数学,音乐,美术,舞蹈,才艺等副科的教学效果要比中文教学本 身來的明显。上中文学校,家长的热情邀胜于学生本人的热情,学校吸引学生的地方似乎不在于中文学习本身。有相当部分的学生,在中文学校学习数年,对中文还 是有隔膜感,读写说仍有困难。換句話说,我們面临的不是生存的问题,而是突破和提高的问题,而突破口就在于如何对学生产生足夠的吸引力,使之成为学生自觉 的快乐学习过程,而不是家長迫使的结果,这正是我们努力的方向所在。

作 为父母和过来人,我们都知道,学习需要的是勤奋和刻苦。所谓“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦做舟”。当一个人通过学习,增长了学识、取得了成就、并且有更美 好的未来时,学习的结果就是快乐的。这正与西方谚语所讲的“No pain, No gain”不谋而合。如今,作为一种全新的学习理念,“快乐学习”已得到老师和家长们的广泛认同,尤其对于在海外的非主流语言环境中的中文学习。
我们很赞同“快乐学习”的理念,变被动学习为主动学习,不仅追求学习结果的快乐,同时也追求学习过程的快乐。“快乐学习”的重要一环,就是激发学习兴趣,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中,进行自主和快乐的学习,从而改善学习效率,更好的完成学习目标。我 們听过部分老师如叶老师,林伟琦老师,李淑芬老师,孙梅茹老师,杨欢等老师的授课,无论是教学内容还是教学方法都是一流的。但往往功夫在课外,学生仅靠每 周两个课时是远远不夠的,这就要靠学生及家長的配合,因为语文能力的提高更多的来自于课外阅读,而鼓励阅读的最佳方式是让阅读带来乐趣。(我们PTA图书馆应有中文书籍可供学生借阅,配合我們的教学,他们才是我们学校服务的主要对象)但我們同时认为,语文和文化是密不可分的。任何好的作品,哪怕是给幼儿阅读的童話或寓言,都会积极宣导正确的价值观,不管那是西方的还是东方的。对于孩子,语文学习同时伴随价值观的学习,历来如此,也应该如此。这正是教育的责任。

2. With the leadership of Deputy Principal Leng Jing, our Summer Program is ready with the same location and the same great team, targeting kids of 11 years old or under. For details, please pay attention to our AD, and please tell your neighbors about it;

3. With the leadership of Math Director, Dai, Rong, his team members are working hard to meet the needs of the expectations from parents and students;

4. With the help of PTA and Board, to protect kids' privacy and to raise funds, the Chinese New Year Performance photos are ready for NWCS members to purchase. Please log on the link provided in 4th weekly email, jot down the # (e.g. section 8, the 7th, the 8th, the 11th, etc), attached with your correct email address. Then, please go to the PTA desk Saturday between 9:30~ 12:30.

5. Jointly, with all efforts, we are upgrading our Soon, an all round new "face" will present in front of YOU. 西北中文藏龙臥虎,欢迎参与。欢迎常到我们的网上看看,我们的点击率还比较低,有待提高。



The Principal of NWCS
On Behalf of NWCS Admin

Serving NWCS with Heart and Soul